Sunday, October 28, 2007
My mundane life.
Hi all,
life's not that bad, but it hasn't been great either.
that same old boring life, revolving only around work and home.
well of course there were still meet-ups with lovelies here and there =)
I know not much of you guys will be dropping by as it seems like I've deserted this space.
but well I'm not haha.
Just to let you all know, I won't be closing it down,
'cause I would still like to do some updates once in a while, so do drop by often=)
anyway, work.
In a blink of eye I'm on this job for 8 months.
I'm fine with the job scope, and colleagues hasn't been mean,
but I really hate the fact that there's alot of things that's not within my control.
Things that need to be accomplish by the others are usually delayed,
but being on the front-end, I'm the one answering for it.
That suck, big time.
well recently,
I've took up yoga with my colleagues.
It's taught by a staff, who I believe is taking up yoga instructor course so we are her lab mice.
haha well it's FOC so I gave it a try.
1 lesson so far and I know I'll be having problems later on with my stiff bones.
and also,
I'm in a dilemma on whether to spend quite an amount of money on something that you girls find it 'eeky' haha.
well at least that's the reaction I got from those who saw her so far.
I've got 1 so far and haha my family's seem to be having fun out of it.
Dad made boxes for her, mum and I are now on a sewing project, and we are planning to have the product on sale, if we manage to do it.
Brothers love making fun out of her.
But haha I know my parents will be mad if I get more of them.
well, that's all for now =)
Thursday, August 09, 2007
sorry for the long hiatus.
just don't feel like updating as, well, there's nothing much to update either haha.
nothing much.
still on the same job.
still prefer to stay home.
glad that I'm still in touch with friends.
had frequent meet-ups here and there.
took up piano.
emptied savings on a piano, and well still need to pay for lessons.
officially graduated from poly.
still can't get over the fact that i'm no longer a student, a teenager.
but at least birthday this year was great, thanks to all=)
a holiday, finally, after 2 months.
happy national day.
haha ok.
will try to update frequently.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
a holiday.
nothing much.
just the usual slacking.
mum bought this sushi rice vinegar last week and with that she suggested to have sushi for lunch.
so we simply use what we can find in the fridge,
my brother mixed the rice,
mum and i prepared the ingredients - omelette, cucumber and fresh seaweed only.
dad went to the supermarket and bought us nori.
and with that we just gather, wrap, cut then eat along the way.
pretty messy, but kinda fun.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
just randomness.
woke up with a really bad headache and with that i stayed home today.
did nothing.
slept the day away.
dread work everyday.
more than anything else.
especially for tomorrow as i can picture the workload piled up.
but tgif.
season finales for heroes and lost this week.
no more drama for the next year half.
weekend's coming.
a public holiday next week.
but no more public holidays for the next 2 months.
need more tops.
need more bottoms.
need more shoes.
want a new wallet.
but, need to save.
spent too much.
need more sleep.
still prefers staying home, idling the day away.
more than anything else.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
bakes, bakes and more bakes!

well it was my brother's birthday and mother's day the following day,
so i decided to make them a
i found
lotsa recipes and initially settled on
but it needs
liquor so i decided to use
this instead, which was recommended by
but i realised they don't use whipping cream, which most of the other recipes does.
with that, i went back risking the 1st one by omitting
liquor, and used just coffee to dip the fingers.
well it turned out not bad,
not very good-looking still,
but at least it stands firm
I'm really glad that my family loved it.
so it's mother's day,
and my mum made me baked muffins for both of my grandmas.
haha it's really been a tired weekend.
p.s. I sincerely apologise for the recent entries on baking. Trust me, i think it's just one of those non-lasting interests
Sunday, May 06, 2007
cheese and chive scones.

I was craving for something cheesy and i remembered seeing this recipe from
karen's site,
and since i have the ingredients for it, i decided to bake again.
My scones came out to be too flat, haha more like cookies.
I should have made them thicker.
The recipe didn't state what cheese should I use so in the end i decided on cheddar.
And i think i've used the wrong cheese as cheddar get burnt easily.
but nevertheless, it still taste ok, very cheesy.
I guess i'll try making them with some other cheese next time.
Friday, May 04, 2007
strawberry and white chocolate muffins.

I came upon
maya's site a few days back,
and i felt really inspired to bake something.
with that, i decided to, and eventually, spent 20 bucks on the ingredients,
drag them along from one supermarket to another, searching for strawberries.
I'm glad that after all the hard work,
the muffins came out to be though not perfect, but in good shape.
well since my brother actually asked if he could have a second helping,
i guess it doesn't taste bad either.
and now,
i feel so encouraged to try other wonderful recipes from her site as well.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
i trapped this spider under a gachapon container on friday morning,
and i didn't know what to do with it.
err or should i say i dare not do anything to it.
well you see i trapped it with only the top part of the container.
so it was there and till this afternoon i realised it's still alive,
and well i saw this beetle(i don't know why but my desk seems to be infested with all these creepy crawlies),
so i decided to trap it in too,
and oops it became the spider's meal.
i think i just got myself a pet.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
seize the day.
i've taken leave for monday.
that means i will only have to go back to work on wednesday(as tuesday's a holiday).
i've been planning since friday what should i do for the day.
and of course i realise what i wanted most is of course to just stay home and do nothing.
haha so much for seizing the day.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
a lazy sunday afternoon.
ice cream.
topped with milo and crushed peanuts.
lazing on the sofa.
never been better.