Sunday, May 13, 2007
bakes, bakes and more bakes!

well it was my brother's birthday and mother's day the following day,
so i decided to make them a
i found
lotsa recipes and initially settled on
but it needs
liquor so i decided to use
this instead, which was recommended by
but i realised they don't use whipping cream, which most of the other recipes does.
with that, i went back risking the 1st one by omitting
liquor, and used just coffee to dip the fingers.
well it turned out not bad,
not very good-looking still,
but at least it stands firm
I'm really glad that my family loved it.
so it's mother's day,
and my mum made me baked muffins for both of my grandmas.
haha it's really been a tired weekend.
p.s. I sincerely apologise for the recent entries on baking. Trust me, i think it's just one of those non-lasting interests