Tuesday, May 31, 2005
indecisive-ness kills.
i hate my indecisive-ness. kill me.
Monday, May 30, 2005
it's school again.
1st day of school. nothing much. the same old routine. i need to get adjusted to it.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
oh nos.
i'm dreading going back to school.may tomorrow never comes.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
when the sales start.
the great singapore sales.
in the perspective of an sales asst.
darn those customers. yes. i'm oh-so-willing to let them have a try, only when:
1. they're REALLY interested in that particular/those piece(s), no fun should be involved.
2. when they are reasonably able to fit in.(no offence here, really. no discrimination or watsoever. just that i've encounted countless customers who had damaged those clothings.)
even when customers decided not to purchase after they've tried, i will never infuriate.
as long as they are not trying, just for fun.
in the perspective of an customer.
wees~ the long-awaited great singapore sales has finally arrived! items were like, soooo cheap, than before. shopping is of course, a big must. though i have not started mine, but i foresee myself spending much, even though i have not much to spent. i have yet master the skill of tolerance - which is greatly needed during shopping, else, one will end up spending loads.
and so, another hectic day, since the great singapore sales had started. a packed shop = hell.
i'm so glad tommorow's my last day there.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
getting my priorities right.
speaking of prorities, how would i list them?
1. family
2. friends
3. beau
4. wealth
5. health - they say health's more impt than wealth, but what happens if you need wealth for health...
between husband and child(when i have one)
in love wise:
1. husband
2. child
when they were drowning(i'll save my...):
1. child
2. husband
contradicting eh? well, i'm not so sure either. maybe it'll change, when time comes. and i realised i have not included my studies. cause i really don't know where i should place them.and finally, just 3 more days, 3 more working days. wees~ i'm freed.but, just 4 more days, 4 more days before school starts. oh nos. i've not rot enough. i've not enjoyed my holidays.i don't want to go back to school. :p
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
i'm rotting.
naru and yu came over to my house for trio-rotting today. days off should be spent in this way. hahas.
after watching moon child, naru help us out with tarot cards readings. they're accurate. interesting. i'll buy a set and try it out someday.
and so, we chat, catching up with one another. naru's going to have her operation next monday. i truly wish that it'll be a success and also, bless her with a speedy recovery. take care girl.
Monday, May 23, 2005
the blood issue.
an incident made me realised that actually, i'm afraid of blood.while working, i saw this girl, in her teens, crying while talking over the phone. i thought maybe, she's quarrelling with her boyfriend or something. as her sobs gets louder, attention grews. then, a man, believed to be her father, arrived. soon, her feet came into view. oh god. she's bleeding badly. apparently, i don't know how, she had her feet cut while taking the escalator. there's a nasty deep cut under her feet. upon seeing this,i nearly faint. i mean it. i nearly faint. i see white patches, my ears were blocked, and my hands turned cold and sweaty. this reminds me of my fall few weeks back. i felt the same thing after the fall. i guess i was just too afraid of my own blood, rather then having a concussion or watsoever. sudden thought. luckily, i wasn't fated to go into the nursing course. and, i will be extra careful while taking the escalator.
Sunday, May 22, 2005
what's in my mind.
the grass is always greener on the other side.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
just for the sake of updating.
all-time favourite of mine
yellow - coldplaylook at the starslook how they shine for youand everything you doyeah they were all yellowI came along I wrote a song for youand all the things you doand it was called yellowSo then I took my turn oh what a thing to have doneand it was all yellowyour skinoh yeah your skin and bonesturn into something beautifuland you knowyou know I love you soyou know I love you soI swam acrossI jumped across for youoh what a thing to do'cos you were all yellowI drew a lineI drew a line for youoh what a thing to doand it was all yellowyour skinoh yeah your skin and bonesturn into something beautifuland you knowfor you I bleed myself dryfor you I bleed myself dryit's truelook how they shine for youlook how they shine for youlook how they shine forlook how they shine for youlook how they shine for youlook how they shinelook at the starslook how they shine for youand all the things that you do
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
tardy me.
me and my tardiness. i need to get things done in time. i need to be punctual. i need to stop dilly-dallying.
i think i'm immune to the tv. i've watched the tv for not than 15hrs since 2 months ago. hahas. i'm so proud of myself. :p
lotsa sleep is what i need.
Monday, May 16, 2005
i can do it.
GREAT! it's my day off again. i will make full use of it , and that is to be as rotten as i can be. hahas. me and my lazy bones.working is indeed, tiring. be it physically or mentally. and so, it happened again. money in the cashbox don't telly with the records. though it's solved in the end(the records were wrong), i can be quite sure that i'm a suspect, of stealing or something, if there's really something wrong. i can see it in their eyes. yes i can.sometimes, i felt that i'm more mentally strained, rather than being physically strained. well, i'll just get my job done, collect my money, and off i'll go. torlerance. i can do it.
actually, it's doesn't sound as bad. just that i want my working days to end fast. and so, there goes my holiday.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
a test.
this is so interesting. hahas. i did the zodiac match test ting did. and guess what. my ideal match is virgo. *smiling to herself*
click here to do it. it's fun~
Saturday, May 14, 2005
what will you do if you discovered a body in a pool of blood? i really don't know.i'm just so glad i didn't experience it.a woman found a body of a foreign worker last week, at a carpark few blocks away from me. it's been a few months(since jan) since renovation started for my block and a few around. i wonder why they took sucha long time, for just re-painting the blocks. oks, back to the topic. apparently, one of the workers fell to his death just opposite my block. the prob is, i wonder why no one saw it. people did heard a loud clash of tins of paint and brushes, but it seems that no one was bothered by it. one thing, i don't know what the heck those workers, or even the contractors were thinking about. oks. that particular worker was a illegal immigrant. but this is singapore. thinking that dumping the body somewhere else won't get themselves arrested(maybe just for hiring an illegal immigrant, i guess) is so damn stupid. what's more, at a multi-storey carpark few blocks away. i guess now they will face more charges.i'm still at the 'after-horror-movies' mood. i need a good night of sleep.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
my day off.
i spent my day off(mon) out. went for a movie with yu. all along, i thought scary movies(as in ghosts) are the only genre i avoid. i now realised i can't really take gore too. yups. i've watched the House of wax. the plot is interesting. but it's disturbing. very disturbing. i had a terrible time in the theatre. i had a urge to get outta there, i just don't wish to be in there, to continue with the show. and now, i can't sleep well. great.we met up with naru, ting and xyn for dinner later in the evening. it's been a long time since we all get together. i've totally enjoyed my time with them. *looks over her shoulder, to the back, to make sure no one was there, with a knife or something* i think i've gone crazy.
Monday, May 09, 2005
sorry mommie.
mommie dear had an 'not-so-happy' mother's day this yr. i bought a cake, we've got the mother, but the cake is still in the fridge, in great condition. we still have not cut the cake.
i've ruined my mommie's day.
it's all because that i kinda quarreled with my daddie. over an stupid incident. my bro joined in and we did successfully made the whole family an unhappy one. as remorseful as i can be, i'm so sorry about what i've done. i hope daddie's gotten over with this unhappy incident.
finally. the day has come. it's my day off. wees~
Saturday, May 07, 2005
hong kong captured.
some of the photos my dad took when he's in hong kong.

on the plane.

lunch time.

still on the plane.

the view from room.

on the street.

by the habour.

jackie chan.

cute buses.

i don't know what building is this.
Friday, May 06, 2005
drained. totally. i can hardly lift my limbs when i got home from work.
can i don't work? i really don't feel like working this time round. but i have to. i need the money.
i guess i won't be blogging too frequently, as from today.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
dreams are so fascinating. and stupid. why am i dreaming about stupid, nonsensical things. i dreamt that i actually ate spongebob, as i mistook him as a yummy block of cheese. what the hell was that. but well..mr spongebob does look like a yummy block of cheese...hahas.
sun do shines after rain.
i didn't know that clarke quay have such great ambience until yesterday. though the river is not as clean(actually, it kinda smells too), i simply love the view of those restaurants and pubs on the riverside. it's 'so-not singapore' to me. and the boat rides. i would like to try it someday.
was there to celebrate the birthday of a friend. went to Swensen's and i ordered a cheeeeeeesy baked rice. well...it's yummy, but not as tasty as those in country manna. country manna serves the best baked rice(from what i've tasted so far.), and their pastry soup's simply delicious. and so we sat along the riverside after dinner. it's dark by then, and the place's simply great.
yups. i'm once again, employed.i'm back working as from today. but i'm just too lazy to be happy, as in , i don't really feel like working. i'm thoroughly invaded by laziness during the past 2 weeks.
and so, my greatest fear has just dissappear. wees~ i've passed all my modules for this semester, horrible grades, but i've passed!! i'm so suprised that i made my way through this time round.
daddie's back~ and i'm so surprised that he actually got me a shirt. 1st time since i've grown up. woas. thanks~
Sunday, May 01, 2005
pop! comes the pimples. *sound pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop can be heard*woas. pimples love me, they just do. never can you once spot me without them. never ever.can those puny bumps just disappear! please.....life's so gd yet sometimes, i complained. what a shame. i've got such great mommie and daddie. i love my mommie. i love my daddie. i love my family. i love them all. i love my friends. i love my computer. i love yellow. i love mr cheese. i love pineapple slices. i love my bed. i love my pillow. i love my room. i love my house. i love my handphone. i love my tv. i love my bag. i love my purse. i love my fan. i love my my fridge. i love my life. (sometimes not, i guess)y?i hate pimples. i hate those scars. i hate my spoilt tv. i hate the weather. i hate wars. i hate disasters. i hate deaths. i hate them all.but still, i'll try to love my life.i felt so stupid to have done this. but i really do love them all. wees~