There's so much to be scared of, and not much to make sense of.: just another day.
Sunday, April 17, 2005

just another day.
have u taken the draw-a-pig-personality test? (click here if you wanna do it.)
hahas. saw works of my friends. this is so interesting~( least to is.) And so, i'll let my lil piggy out too.

Taa~ da~

Posted by Hello

yups, this is my pig. * sayang it* hahas.

oks. 1st day of work. It's quite an easy job. hope it stays as easy along the way.

Sudden thought -
From the depth of my heart, i love all my friends, every single one. cheers.

Another thought -
Out of a sudden, i realised paragraphs in my posts(now and then) were all 'ji deh ji deh' , end and starts in abruptness. And i think, sooner or later, I'll need English classes, especially for speech. Else i don't think i'll survive in this "english-is-still-more-impt-than mandarin/chinese" world.

2:10 AM                                                                                0 comments



here i'll write when i feel like writing.

back then

for the ears

this is not a love song
nouvelle vague
