Sunday, October 29, 2006
the past week.
project's still as bad.
had my hair straightened.
and i'm complaining about it.
Monday, October 23, 2006
like finally,
a public holiday on a weekday!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
just another few months more to go.
like finally,
we had a gathering.
it's nice meeting up with them.
i'm gonna miss my poly life.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
and now,
she has it for both guys and girls =)
pieces are very limited,
so messed up.
someone, anyone,
save us.
just kill us.
i wish i can just shrug off everything.
things just seem to be getting too much,
for us to handle.
Monday, October 16, 2006
to die for.
char kway teow char kway teow
char kway teow char kway teow
char kway teow char kway teow
char kway teow char kway teow
char kway teow char kway teow
char kway teow char kway teow
char kway teow char kway teow
char kway teow char kway teow
char kway teow char kway teow
char kway teow char kway teow
Saturday, October 14, 2006

i know it's stupid.
but i really have nothing else better to do.
i've surfed all web pages i can surf.
i'm sick of playing online games.
but i'll feel uneasy,
for not going online.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
wednesday afternoon.
stucked with work,
staring blankly into the screen,
i thought i was going crazy staying in the lab,
so we went out for ice cream.
and ahh,
i felt so much better for the rest of the afternoon.
Monday, October 09, 2006
cheer me up!

and now she knows she truly has a weakness for rainbows,
and of course, rainbowy stuffs!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
i just hate my life.
Friday, October 06, 2006
i'm so broke,
but still,
i'm so addicted to sprees!
i need to get a job
but i can't afford to jeopardise my grades.
i'm only left with just one last semester to try to improve,
or at least maintain my grades.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
season 3's starting!!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
critique session.
well as expected,
today's assessment was bad.
it's really really demoralising.
i can't seem to bring myself to work hard for fyp anymore.
Monday, October 02, 2006
on tomorrow's critique session.
i have a really really bad feeling about it.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
grr...those zits!
it's not that i don't have them normally,
well i think i have them most of the time.
but those i got recently are such an eyesore.
blast them off!
eh sorry no blasting.
i don't wanna be scarred.